Saturday, February 18, 2012

Work Ethics Productivity

     Is good scheduling such as keeping up with your appointments and work assignments. You have to follow safety rules and make sure not to hurt the bottom line by getting hurt at work and costing the business money.  You can help meet productivity by conserving materials used at work such as paper.  And you can keep your desk area clean and free of clutter so you can concentrate and be productive.  Also following directions and not wasting time while working is bound to bring more productivity in anything you do.
     Here is a video on Productivity.  Hope you enjoy!

     Productivity is important in the workplace because if you are being paid to perform a service whatever it might be, and you are wasting time you are not helping that place of business to make any money and ultimately that is the bottom line.
     The actions I could take in my place of business is to always perform to the best of my ability at all times as to not waste their money.  I can clock out when business warrants a break time.  And I could also make sure not to waste product.
     I agree with the fact that material rewards can be enough of an incentive for most people.  Some people seek the acceptance that doing good in their job gives them.

Work Ethics Communication


     Communication is the process of a sender communicating with a receiver.  The message may be verbal (spoken or written) or nonverbal (body language, physical appearance, or vocal tone).  People who are great communicators take responsibility for  their success in the communication process.  You also have to be an effective listener and participate in the conversation.

  • A Nonverbal example is shrugging your shoulders when asked a question.
  • A Oral example is conversation between two or more people.
  • A Written example is a letter sent to your boss or friend.
  • A Listening example is active listening when in a conversation.
  • A Telephone example is having a smile in your voice when talking on the phone.
     Here is a very funny video about communication problems.  Hope you enjoy!

     Some ways that I could improve my Communication skills would be to be aware of how I am perceived in every conversation no matter how it is sent out.  I could practice on a voice recorder and play back to critique my skills.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Work Ethics Organization


There are three main concepts that you really need to know about if you want to increase your productivity and remain stress free in the process.  They are time management, how to prioritize and how to eliminate clutter.  


First thing you need to do is learn how to prioritize, by making a list of the things that need to be done on a daily basis.  Then you need to look over the items and decide on an order of importance for each task.  Then decide how much time it will take you to complete the tasks.

Time Management

When you are assessing your task list and calculating the time for each task, you should also spend some time assessing how and where you waste time during the day.  Then also, be wary of procrastination-this is a huge time-suck.  By honing your project management skills you will find you are less stressed.

Eliminate Clutter

Eliminating clutter will go a long way towards improving your productivity and lowering your stress level.  By being more organized and keeping your things sorted then you will more easily be able to find what you are looking for, whether it's that important client file your boss just asked for, or your child's favorite toy.  

By refining your organizational skills it can help you to reach your goals, reduce your stress and increase your productivity and efficiency.  
I plan to improve my organizational skills by putting all my important information in a file in order and setting up a task list for my every day life.

Here is a short video about Organization.  Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Work Ethics Attendance


Attendance is the act or fact of attending (being present at) work.  Good Attendance affects the success of each individual and is very important.  Any student or employee is expected to attend class or work.  Your success is directly related on your attendance and punctuality in every aspect of you life.  If you are late for class it disrupts all the students and if you are late or absent it shows poor planning and preparation.

This is a link to a video on Youtube about The Importance of Attendance: Hope you enjoy!

I could improve in Attendance by making sure I am at work on time.  Getting up a little earlier so I can get there before my clock in time.  The same goes for my classes I can also notify my instructor in advance if I might be absent. I can make up and assignments missed during times of absences.  

Microsoft Office 2007 for Students - Cheap!

Microsoft is running an offer especially for college students called, The Ultimate Steal.  For a limited time, students can obtain a copy of Microsoft 2007 Ultimate Edition for only $59.95.  To qualify for this offer, you must be enrolled at a US educational institution and have a valid e-mail address that ends in the edu domain.  Considering this package is available at retail for around $500, this is a fantastic deal for students.  So check it out and save some $$$ today!

Even though you can download the software from the Web site, you should also consider purchasing (for an additional fee) the software on DVD.  This will make re installing the software much easier in the future in case you have a problem (such as your hard drive fails).