Attendance is the act or fact of attending (being present at) work. Good Attendance affects the success of each individual and is very important. Any student or employee is expected to attend class or work. Your success is directly related on your attendance and punctuality in every aspect of you life. If you are late for class it disrupts all the students and if you are late or absent it shows poor planning and preparation.
This is a link to a video on Youtube about The Importance of Attendance: Hope you enjoy!
I could improve in Attendance by making sure I am at work on time. Getting up a little earlier so I can get there before my clock in time. The same goes for my classes I can also notify my instructor in advance if I might be absent. I can make up and assignments missed during times of absences.
I think your opinion of attendance is right.It is a god factor for being successful and considerate of others.Good attendance is most important on your job,because it put less strain on your co-workers if everyone is there to do their job.Class attendance is necessary in tryiny to understand how to do your work which is sometimes hard to follow along with and do.
ReplyDeleteI feel that your opinion of attendance is good. Its very important to have a great or good attendance record in school as well as on the job. Good attendance goes along way,especially if you are applying for a job. Employers love to have someone who care about their attendance. Class attendance is important also because that way you maybe able not to fall behind in class work.