Sunday, April 1, 2012



Because leadership skills are developed—you are not born with them—don’t forget to give your leadership skills a workout at every opportunity.  This does not mean that you should go around telling people what to do, but be aware of opportunities to be a leader.  For instance, when working with a group, try to get a cooperative effort from the group rather than have everyone pulling in a different direction.  You can provide leadership by taking actions that would help the group complete its task and by helping the group members maintain good working relationships.  Such practice will help you develop your own leadership style.Leaders have a somewhat special point of view.  Their basic aim is to get other people to do things.  Even though it may sometimes seem that being a supervisor would be easy because anybody can give orders, that is not true.  Some managers may try to manage by ordering people about, but these managers are usually not very productive.  Bossing people is not leading them.  You can get only so far trying to boss people because they resent it.  Most people would rather be led than bossed. Leaders get more out of people than bosses do.   

Here is a video on Leadership.  Hope you enjoy!

I think some ways I could work on my leadership skills would be to learn to work in a group setting better by asserting myself and not being so shy.  I try to always cooperate will anyone I am working on something with.

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